Giving credit ....

Wednesday, June 1

Have you seen this image credit flowchart before? It's been pinned many times on Pinterest, and something I've been wanting on my wall as a proper reminder on crediting images. Well, Pia Jane Bijkerk of enhance the everyday announced that the print is now for sale via the Mammoth Collection!

The image credit flowchart was created by Pia, Mammoth Collection and designer Therese Petre after discussions of online etiquette and ethics surfaced on {frolic!} and Design*Sponge. I have to say that when I first saw this incredible chart on Pinterest and followed the arrows, I immediately felt like crap. Because on days when I was too tired or needed to do a quick post, I took the easy way out and only credited Pinterest or We Heart It for images found on those sites and called it good. Nope. Wrong. So now that I've been mentally spanked, when I see a pretty picture - but have no idea where it came from - I move on and find something else. Why? It's important to give credit where credit is due. So, check out the chart (below) and see where you stand. :-)

P.S. I am totally buying the print in butterscotch BTW.

For a closer look .....


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