Etsy love ....

Wednesday, March 7

Do you guys watch, "Who Do You Think You Are?" on NBC? It airs Friday nights and I'm hooked on the show that helps celebrities shed light on their family histories and mysteries. I frequently ask my parents about my grandparents, great-grandparents and so on, and have only gotten interesting tid bits of information like my mom's grandmother was Chinese and had bound feet. She was disowned by her family when she married a Filipino farmer. Or that my dad's great-grandfather was a Spanish solider. Interesting, right? 

Anyway, the reason why I'm on this topic is because I recently found this great Etsy shop, "My Roots Collection" by Children Inspire Design via Pinterest, and it's just the perfect gift anyone who wants to remember where they came from. This collection is eco-friendly and tells a story of how families come together from all parts of the world. Once I gather all my information, I'm certainly going to order a map of the Philippines .... China and Spain. 


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