Just lovely

Friday, December 14

Winter's just around the corner and Christmas is fast approaching. Can you believe it?! I haven't had the time to do any holiday shopping so I'll have to do that this weekend. Hope you all had a great week though. Mine was a bit frantic, but Wednesday was my favorite day. Why? For eight weeks, I've been volunteering as a mentor for the Young Storytellers Foundation. Mentors are paired up with students who develop and write their own screenplays that will eventually be performed by actors at the Big Show.

Well, Wednesday night was our Big Show and I loved every minute of it. The audience laughed at all the funny moments, and the kids also had a blast as they watched their work come alive on stage. I hope I'll be able to mentor again. It was an incredible experience. Anyway, if you're in LA, a writer/actor, and love working with kids, I suggest you check out YSF. They're always looking for volunteers. Happy Friday and have a lovely weekend. P.S. Hope you love these pics as much as I do. They're all pretty special, I think. See you here Monday.

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