Just lovely

Friday, January 18

Happy Friday. I'm relieved the weekend is almost here. Now that I'm feeling much better, I'm planning on watching an Oscar-nominated flick on Saturday, but haven't decided on one yet. I'm leaning toward Zero Dark Thirty or Argo. I hear they're both fantastic films. Maybe you can help me decide? If you have another suggestion, would love to hear it!

See you back here on Monday and hope you like these pics. I know I haven't done a "Just lovely" post in a while, so these are the best ones I've found during my search. Enjoy!

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11


  1. Ah, so much inspiration! Thanks so much!
    Happy weekend xxx

  2. love these picks!! glad you're feeling better Christine. your blog is adorable btw :)

    andrea brionne



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