New gypsies ....

Tuesday, October 11

"The New Gypsies" will soon be on my bookshelf. Roaming the countryside as a gypsy would be a crazy adventure. Imagine the freedom! In this book, photographer Iain McKell followed the Horse Drawn Travelers, off-and-on, for 10 years. Their culture is built around the ideas of freedom, nature and living a low carbon footprint lifestyle. The movement began in the mid-1980s when a group of Post-Punk Anti-Thatcher protesters left London for the English countryside. They now live in horse-drawn caravans. "The New Gypsies" was released in April.


  1. these are gorgeous ... thank you for sharing!!

  2. That first picture is AMAZING..

    great post

  3. Amazing photos! Looks like a very interesting way to live life.

  4. Beautiful photos - they remind me I was playing Gypsy Game when I was a child, maybe because I liked the freedom of the adventurous life!



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